Jo phoenix Iron throne

Update of site

Hey, thanks for still popping by, I am currently getting fairly busy with work so this has made the site update a bit slow so apologies for that. As I’m sure you can understand the site needs a fair bit of work and I will try to get on top of it as soon as I can. Have some exciting things happening so please bear with me, but if you are on FB check my pages out in the meantime.  Update soon :)


Jo :)

New Blog Site

Hey, please bare with me whilst the site has been moved to a different host, as you can see its very different and its going to take me sometime to get used to it all. Its pretty stressful as lots of posts and photos are either lost or now have broken links. I’m trying to wade through it all and sort it all out. Its like having the whole blog been thrown upside down and things have gone everywhere and thing have been lost! The move was necessary and unavoidable so I have to deal with this the best I can so please be patient.


Jo :)