If anyone is still out there, I shall be starting to post again very soon so please bookmark the page a drop by Apologises for the huge gap in posting new content.

If anyone is still out there, I shall be starting to post again very soon so please bookmark the page a drop by Apologises for the huge gap in posting new content.
Ok ok I’m sorry, I’m even later in posting a new report this time the time whizzes by so quickly! Ok right lets rewind back to the end of August then to a very cool event at a very special place, Windsor Castle! To get to do an event here is extremely rare and very special for that reason, a day of medieval activities and events were laid on for the public to enjoy. I was fortunate to be one of the many performers picked to be there for the day helping run the childrens sword battles.
Some of the filming days I did last year for Horrible Histories TV show has aired, here is a nice shot of me on an episode about the funeral of American President Jackson. What was funny was his pet parrot who apparently said some naughty words during the service!
With the DVD release of the new Alien Covenant film I was approached to by a promotional company to see if my alien Annabelle wanted to help them out by assisting them with some promo drops. We spent the day popping into movie related offices for photo ops and delivering some alien foetuses and a copy of the movie!
End of September saw Sean and I being invited back to the Starbase 24 event as guests. We had a great time chatting and making new friends and helping raise some money for Macmillan. Was great to sell a couple of my leather pieces too as well as a couple of copies of Tales of Albion film.
Straight after the Starbase event we went to a friend of ours who is an amazing photographer for a photo shoot. We have have done a previous shoot with Nicole before as she did the awesome Xena images you can see in my previous post. This time it was for my silver queen, Captain Phasma as ever Nicole did an awesome job as you can see from one of the photos above from the shoot. Further photos can be found either on my Facebook page or my Instagram page Xenajojo1.
I am also involved with a new developing board game called Fortitude of Empires being portrayed as the character The Empress. A Kickstarter is about to be launched for the game but a lot of the development is well underway with all sorts of great things already being produced. Please check out the Facebook Page to keep upto date with the project https://m.facebook.com/foeboardgame
Been making a few small commissions in between other events making costume pieces and leather work. The new Labyrinth pieces seem to be creating a lot of interest which is great, I have also added a new Game of Thrones dragon wristband and beautiful Pegasus wristband too. Please check them out in the Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/XenaJoCreations?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
Have a few more commissions to contend with and some stormtrooper appearances in the pipeline so will report on those next report. Ok so I guess the next post will be in a few weeks so thanks for being here and catch up next month.
Yet again I find myself apologising for leaving it so long to post a report up! It has been a while so sorry for that.
Ok lets back peddle to May Bank Holiday for the Gloucester Tall Ships Festival. Every 2 years they hold this event at the Gloucester Docks drawing huge crowds over the 3 day event. A beautiful array of tall ships were in attendance with attractions on and off the water with Sean and I along with our fellow performers put on several pirate shows through the day. Great crowds for the shows and the children seemed to love Cpt Jack Sparrow as he manages to squirm his way out of trouble again!
Then it was straight off to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight for some Victorian Fun for Queen Victoria’s Fete, made all the better seeing our friends
Then in June I was heading up to Colchester again as Queen Boudicca to the Colchester Roman Circus for their special weekend event with the Ermine Street Guard Reenactment group. The day started off with a march through the town of Colchester back upto the Roman Circus site. Was really cool being among the soldiers as they marched in all their finery (even though they are Romans!) I then jumped on the chariot that was used in the TV series Boudicca with Alex Kingston, and was pulled along by my trusty steads back to the centre. The day was spent chatting and talking to the public and having photos taken, I do love supporting this place so please check out the FB page or website to see the amazing work the Colchester Archaeological Trust do. http://www.thecolchesterarchaeologist.co.uk/
Sean and I went to the Cast and Crew Premiere in Leicester Square of The Mummy film starring Tom Cruise, really enjoyed it particularly with Seans involvement in the film.
At last it seems I have finally wrapped on Humber City with my last days filming in July. We filmed at the Hull KR Stadium and I had a couple of scenes, one with the lovely Terry Molloy who played the baddie Davros from Dr Who. All went well and fingers crossed the cast and crew showing and wrap party will be in October. I will update when I know more.
I did an awesome photo shoot with Nicole Klein Photography as Xena. The photos look awesome and you can see them on my Xena FB page and I have posted one of them at the top of this report. https://www.facebook.com/xenajojo1
I did a days filming at Hampton Court Palace helping to dress Henry VIII for a documentry for a programme called The Private Lives of the Monarchs. Will keep an eye out when its due to air.
I have eventually got my acting showreel updated please check it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXPa_vNtamk
Finally Sean and I made our annual appearance at the ABC Animal Sanctuary in support for their Summer Open Day to help raise funds for the welfare of the animals. Beautiful weather helped bring the crowds in. Along with some costume friends of ours we helped to add more money to the charity pots by asking for donations for photos. The day was a great success and hopefully will help all the lovely volunteers who care for the animals and the running of the sanctuary.
Ok thats it for now, thank you for your patience and appreciate your following my adventures
Jo x
So sorry in the delay in posting a new report, things picked up pretty quickly and l got swept up in it all.
Ok so lets start where I left off last post. The HSBC photo shoot seemed to have gone well as apparently one of my images was a featured one but can I for the life of me find it on the web! I will keep looking but its a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack!
Again another trip up to Hull for more filming on Humber City, this time working with the lovely Sophie Aldred who played the doctors assistant Ace from Dr Who. She was very sweet and a pleasure to work with. Also got to help out with the lovely Vic Mignogna (Star Trek Continues )scenes and looked after him for a couple of days before he headed to Memorabilia where we was a guest signer. Very sweet and was fun taking him to Cadbury World and he re-enactors market.
Still a couple more scenes to film and then done!
Easter saw me at Dover Castle for the combined St Georges and Easter weekend. Lots of fun with storytelling and children activities. Then following weekend on the actual St Georges day I was at Woburn Centre Parcs alongside St George for a lovely relaxed walkabout appearance reminding people what day it was!
A great appearance as a Stormtrooper at the London Guildhall to help welcome over 700 guests to a large evening event. To top it all the guest of honour was the Lord Major of London!
I then had a surprise weekend in Paris with Sean whilst he is working over there on a film, I was lucky to get permission to join him on set for a day and hang out with him. Watching the car stunts was awesome and exciting and getting the opportunity to meet the director Chris McQuarrie and also Simon Pegg at an evening event. The next day was Seans day off so we did some sight seeing and hung out with new friends which was great fun. Exciting weekend of adventures!
Straight after Paris I got the opportunity to get Annabelle my Alien out of Quarantine for an Alien Covenant themed evening which was great fun to do. Great to use the costume again and see her in action!
Filming wise for me has been a little quiet but I did do a commercial for Virgin Media, not sure when its out but will post more news as soon as I find anything out. Also just done another historical documentary with the same company I did the Elizabeth I job, I was playing a lady for 2 different scenes for the series The Private Lives of the Monarchs. More details to follow. Mid June sees the return of the TV show Forbidden Histories on the Yesterday channel, you will see me in the episode about Mary Magdalene as one of her followers.
Had some great leather commissions for more Labyrinth characters which has kept me busy inbetween other jobs, really enjoyed making these new items, with more to come! Let me know if anyone wants one making!
The same company that made the Ben Hur film I did are doing a new family adventure film which I am auditioning for in a couple of weeks, fingers crossed I get the role as she sounds great fun! More info as and when it comes in.
Sean and I will be setting sail for the Gloucester Tall Ships Festival this coming May Bank Holiday, if you can make it I can highly recommend it, lots of fun for the whole family and we will be there swordfighting alongside other characters!
Ok thats it for now, thanks for bearing with my slow posts I will try to post up sooner than later for the next one.
Jo x
As ever the first couple of months are generally fairly quiet, particulary on the filming front with only a days filming on a advert. Fingers crossed the constant roles I am putting myself forward will bring something good soon.
In the meantime a much welcomed role came in playing a zombie on a trade stand for a gaming company helping to promote the new Walking Dead slot machine. It was hard work constantly being in character for many hours but it was also fun scaring the public.
Thankfully my costume and leather commissions have helped see me through the quiet time with 2 Iron Age Childrens costumes for Jersey Heritage, look forward to see the children having fun in them.
I also received a commission for a costume piece from a character from the popular TV Show Wynona Earp. Officer Haught wears a police gun rig which my client requested which consisited of a leather notepad pouch, handcuff pouch, radio holder and gun holster. After a fair bit of research and working out, the holster in particular had a strange configuration in the way the strap wrapped around the back of the gun and came over and fastened at the front. I purchased the correct belt to finish it off and I after dying and waxing the pieces was very happy with the finished look.
I have some more potential commissions coming up so look forward to see what will be next!
Going back upto Hull for another couple of days filming on Humber City and then it should be the last one after that. Actually looking forward to the next one as I shall be filming with Sophie Aldred which will be fun. Will keep you posted on that, in the meantime check out the productions FB page for all the upto date news. https://www.facebook.com/Humber.City/?fref=ts
Just a reminder that the Tales of Albion DVD is on sale and can be purchased here: http://www.talesofalbion.com/ and a very cool book is due for release soon as well which is a very well done behind the scenes book. Full of never seen before photos, storyboard images, costume designs and what went into making each episode. It really is a quality book so keep checking the webiste of FB page for further details https://www.facebook.com/TalesofAlbion/?fref=ts
I am pleased to say Colchester Roman Circus Visitor Centre, the only site of Britain’s only known Roman chariot racing track have invited me back as Queen Boudica for an event day in June alongside the Ermine Street Guard Roman group. Very much looking forward to go back as they made me so welcome last time when I was the guest of honour at their official opening back in 2015.
Well thats if for now and thanks again for stopping by and will post again very soon. x
Ok back tracking to September I attended the starbase 24 annual banquet as a guest with Sean along side my lovely friend John Carrigan and his wife Annie. The lovely Virginia Hey and J G Hertzler were also guest at an awesome event and all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. This was a lovely well planned event and I had the opportunity to appear as a special guest to talk about my filming experiences as well as dressing as Xena for the photo ops with proceeds going toward the charity pot. I managed to sell a couple of my leather hair barrettes as well which was great. It was a lovely event which I look forward to support again next year.
I have also had the pleasure of working a few days on the popular childrens TV Show Horrible Histories. Such a laugh and a lot of fun to work on this series, I have been dressed in lots of different costumes and covering an array of time periods. Lovely crew and production, will find out when its due to air.
Then the best part of this year, going on holiday to Los Angeles with Sean, staying with friends and experiencing new adventures and making new friends. Love visiting LA, it always presents new and exciting times, even more special when other friends are over at the same time. John Carrigan and Annie where there too and we spent sometime together having such a great time. We went to Universal Studios which is always a must when in LA, weather was great and company even better. We were also introduced to Anthony De Longis and his lovely wife Mary thanks to John and also to Ben Alpi and his lovely wife Jyotika, all lovely people and a pleasure to know. What was very exciting was getting a bullwhip lesson off the master himself Anthony, he trained Michelle Pfeiffer for her role as Catwoman and Harrison Ford as Indy! Flippin amazing!!! What an experience and I will follow it up with more lessons when over next in LA.
We also visited my friends in Yucca Valley to spend time with them and visit Pioneer Town for good drinks and food. First day there we ended up on a 4 hour trail ride in the desert! Lots of fun times!
Whilst in LA I did a bit of filming for a little shoot which saw a fight ensue with Xena and Red Sonia! The actress who plays her contacted me before I flew over about the idea of the 2 amazons crossing swords. I took my Xena costume over with me and ended up shooting for a day in a glade. Not sure as and when it will be completed but of course will post on here any news or links.
After all the excitement of Los Angeles and back in the UK Sean and I were heading down to Dover Castle for the Halloween holidays helping children make masks and spooky spiders! Great working with Griffin Historical again and thankfully the weather was kind and we had some beautiful sunsets most evenings.
And finally some great news about the Tales of Albion film I did a while back. The film is now available for pre-order and will be available from the 12th December. Please follow this link for further details http://www.talesofalbion.com/ where you can order your copy. The premiere is being held on the 11th December which I will be at and will post some photo too. Very excited to see it completed and see all the hard work that has gone into this project. Please support the film by purchasing a copy! The photo at the top of this post is a shot from one of the days I was filming.
Well thats it for the mo, I’m sure there will be plenty to post over the next couple of months so keep checking back.
All the best
Just a bit of an update since the last post. The DVD of In the Name of Ben Hur is now available in the shops too but the cover is a little misleading as it doesn’t have the full name on the cover and also the picture doesn’t really relate to the story of the film? Bit strange but there you go! This is what the cover looks like if your interested in checking it out.
Done a few days of appearances and filming over the last month or so, with a couple of Stormtrooper gigs inbetween. Catwoman and Elizabeth Swann also made appearances at a couple of events recently which was fun especially when you get to sit in an awesome batmobile! (as catwoman )
Filming wise I did a days work on an episode of Forbidden History about Mary Magdalene at Chislehurst Caves, awesome location which has seen the several TV shows film there including Merlin. Have also done several days on Liam Neesons new film The Commuter as well as a commercial which has a massive Disney tie in, can’t say anymore on that but it was an awesome days filming. Have also done a few days stand in work on a big superhero film which was pretty cool, shame it wasn’t more days. Enjoying immensely working on the popular childrens show Horrible Histories and hopefully will have a few more days as the production is brilliant to work on and funny too. Filmed another day on Humber City in Hull, thankfully its nearing the end and hopefully will all be done in a couple more days of shoots and be wrapped by end of November.
Battle of Bosworth Reenactment
August saw the return of Boswoth Battle which I do love going to, mainly as its full of memories from years back and seeing old friends again. It would have been fun to say I played the King but Henry Tudor didn’t want the crown so he gave it to me after the battle!
This weekend (23/24th Sept) I am attending the 10th Starbase 24 Anniversary Charity Banquet in Peterborough as a guest of the event. I am very much looking forward to it and I shall post a report in the next posting. I shall be appearing as Xena but also as myself and talking about filming, should be fun
Well thats it for the mo and thanks for dropping by!
Just a quick update the film I worked on last year In the Name of Ben Hur is now available to watch on a few on demand platforms. I play a celtic mercenary called Braga, part of a group hired to capture Juda Ben Hur. Choose a link to watch, I hope you enjoy it!
Back again! So where to start, ok back in March I joined Sean on his sponsored walk in aid of Moorfields Eye Hospital as a thank you for all the amazing treatment he has received since his serious eye injury. He raised over £550 pounds which was an awesome achievement and he did it dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow! The weather was beautiful and the walk was a lot of fun. Sean has still a little way to go with his recovery but h is doing great and the surgeons are very happy with his progress.
The MCM Memorabilia event at the NEC happened in March in which Sean and I attended as we regulary do as Xena and Jack Sparrow. Alongside the UKG it was the usual exhausting but fun event and meeting up with good friends. Here Xena is dealing with a dodgy looking character, aka the awesome Heisenburg lookalike Jamie Pagett.
Easter holidays I went to the Childrens Festival event helping the children with the craft activities making roman mosaics. Here is one of my creations!
Beginning of April saw Sean and I heading back to Hull for some more filming on the drama Humber City, I have another few days coming up in June so will keep you posted.
St Georges Day saw a few events kick off, first was at Wentworth Golf Club for a large charity event for British Airways. For this we were dressed as Medieval Knights in full armour greeting people as they entered the building.
This month saw a couple of Stormtrooper events, one at a store opening in the Midlands and one at a Star Wars themed Wedding in Dorset. Both events went down realy well and the Wedding was a lovely relaxed event in beautiful surroundings. Here little baby Benji wearing his stormtrooper baby grow and chilling with the stormtroopers!
Early May Bank Holiday there was an event, ‘Roman Rampage’ at the English Heritage site Old Sarum in Wiltshire. I was there making an appearance as Queen Boudica and riding around on a chariot! It was a great event even though the weather wasn’t the best it was still a realy enjoyable event to do. I performed in the main arena talking about the story of Boudica and we used the chariot in the display as well. Even though the chariot I was on wasn’t an Iron age one it still looked amazing with the 2 beautiful black horses Flo and Nimbus. It really gave the audience a feel to what it must have been like to come face to face with on the battlefield. Photo to follow!
I just had 2 days on a new big action adventure movie as a supporting artist. Was a really fun couple of days, the film isn’t due out until this time next year but I think you will get a glimpse of me next to the star! Can’t say much else about it but will mention it again nearer the time as a reminder.
Well thats it for now, keeping busy with 2 new costumes for myself which I have a deadline for. Got a fun event next week which I will report on next time. Thank you for your interest
Again apologies to the lateness of my posting, the summer months have been busy to say the least, but hear is the update of whats been happening.
Starting from the last post, I recorded an audition video for a role playing the owner of an illegal drinking establishment in the Prohibition Era. From that I got a call back and did a live reading with the director and by the end of the session it came across that I got the role. Sure enough I got the email saying the role was mine which was awesome! Filming was set in a weeks time.
Before that filming, I was heading upto Hull to do the first main block of filming on the TV Drama Humber City. I was there for 4 days for exterior and office scenes which went well on the whole. There is more filming planned for early November, to keep upto date with whats happening with the project, check out their Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/Humber.City?fref=ts
One of my favourite gigs was the Bug Safari, taking families around the lovely grounds and looking for insects in different enviroments. A lovely fun relaxed event and playing dress up as Victorian Explorers!
Then it was time to film the Prohibition video, the set was dressed my hair and make-up was done (which was amazing) and it took a few hours to have it all done. The video will be an introduction to a corporate training game in which high end executives will take part. There is a gaming box on the table in front of each team, after they have watched my video which welcomes them to my establishment I also explain what the day entails. It should look great when its done, as of yet I still haven’t seen it but I am hoping to get a copy of it soon. In the meantime check out my awesome make-up!
I have had a couple of commissions for heradlic flags this season, which I am proud to say were at 2 top end Tudor Jousts at Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London. The Hampton Court ones were 8 silk flags, 4 English crosses and 4 Spanish ones. The Tower of London Jousts I was commissioned to paint 2 Anne Boleyn flags which looked amazing. I hope to do more as I really enjoy making these.
The only ride I got with the jousting team this season was at Bosworth Battle re-enactment, bit disappointing I only got to ride the once but here is a nice image from the weekend.Taken by ARW Photography
Earlier this year I did some filming on a new Channel 4 series called Time Crashers. A new show which saw 10 celebrites being sent back in time to different periods doing every days jobs. I was involved with the second one which was set in the Medieval period around a Joust. I played the Lady of the Joust which was great fun but it doesn’t show on the screen how cold it was that day, it was freezing! I got some good screentime, if you missed it you can watch it and the other episodes here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkyc5deYero
Finally I auditioned for a feature film called Chariot set around the character Ben Hur. I was blessed to win the role of a character called Braga, a Celtic Tribal Warrior. She is part of a mercenary gang hired by the Romans to capture Ben Hur. Filming was up in Snowdonia, North Wales. The scenery as you can imagine was beautiful! I really enjoyed my time filming on this and hopefully it will be finished for January. I will keep you posted on this as this film will have worldwide distribution so you should have a great chance to see it somewhere! The image at the top of this post was taken on my last day on set.
Well thats it for now but lots more stuff coming up in the next couple of months so keep popping back for updates