Just a quick update the film I worked on last year In the Name of Ben Hur is now available to watch on a few on demand platforms. I play a celtic mercenary called Braga, part of a group hired to capture Juda Ben Hur. Choose a link to watch, I hope you enjoy it!
Ok ok sorry its been so long but I will make up for it with the things to post!
Ok lets rewind back to May! The online game Clash of Kings had a massive promotion in London which involved 3 armies, lava monsters, barbarians all in the centre of London in the shadow of Tower Bridge. It was quite a spectacle and something you don’t see everyday especially in central London! Armies marching over Tower Bridge with banners flying and cheering warriors going into battle. I played the Queen in charge of the Blue Army who teamed up with the King of the Red Army to defeat the evil King of the Black Army. It was loads of fun and loads of media coverage on the day. Check out this video that was streamed online the day after the event.
Filming Sean and I did on the daytime soap Doctors was aired early June on BBC1, the episode called Slings and Arrows saw 2 rival darts teams going head to head in the final of a competition. I played one of the darts players in the ladies team, a small featured role which was really fun to do.
A couple of years ago Sean and I attended an event for RAF Brize Norton for their family fun day. Alongside a couple of our UK Garrison friends who were dressed as Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper, Sean and I went as Xena and Jack Sparrow. We filmed some of the highlights and Sean has eventually got around to editing it together. Here is the link and check it out!
July saw me return to the city of Hull to film another installment of the saga Humber City. This particular shoot was really nice to do as we had most of the main cast in the scene. Such a pleasure to work alongside these guys, other than being lovely people, the dynamics of the characters everyone brought to the scene and everyones professionalism made it a really great scene. I shall be heading back up to do some more filming next month, and hopefully it is now coming to an end and all filming should be all done by September!
More filming, this time a documentry called The Private Lives of the Tudors which was aired on the Yesterday Channel. Filmed this a while ago earlier this year I ended up playing Queen Elizabeth I showing her not so good side. The Queen used many things to try and make herself look youthful like lead based makeup and used honey to clean her teeth! I think it goes without saying they may not have been the best things to have used! So I went through a couple of hours in make up having a bald cap put on, blackened teeth and scaring to show what the Queen actually looked like underneath all her makeup and wigs! Mmmm sexy!
The lovely annual Open Day at the ABC Animal Sanctuary was upon us again. Only one day this year not the usual 2 but it was still a great day, more so as this year we were joined by a couple of old costuming friends we hadn’t seen for a while so it was great to catch up with them and spend a lovely relaxing day helping raise much needed funds for the charity. Weather was lovely and I helped with parading one of the lovely Shetland Ponies called Jack.
For those of you who do follow this page you may remember me landing a role in a film back in September last year for a film called Chariot. A film about Ben Hur following his life after the chariot race. I played a celtic warrior mercenary that was part of a group of mercancaries hired to capture Ben Hur. The photo at the top of the post is a screengrab from the trailer and here is the link to the trailer, will find out when it is due to be released and let you know.
Well during the month of June and July I have been very busy making my new costume Captain Phasma from the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens. I was aiming to get it done for the huge event at the Excel in London – Star Wars Celebration Europe, the biggest Star Wars event that is held all over the world and on this occassion it was the turn of London, the last one here was in 2007. After much blood, sweat and tears I managed to get her done just in time. I was still doing minor alterations up until lunchtime on the first day (Friday) but I got to the point of its now or never and without having a chance to try it on beforehand. Well I can thankfully say she held together with just a few minor repairs along the way! The response from other 501st members and the public was overwhelming she came she saw and she conquered! She went down an absolute storm and as I was the only Captain Phasma there that made it even more special. She will be on patrol again in the near future!
Jo as Captain Phasma
Well thats it for now I promse I won’t leave it as long as last time for the next one!
Back again! So where to start, ok back in March I joined Sean on his sponsored walk in aid of Moorfields Eye Hospital as a thank you for all the amazing treatment he has received since his serious eye injury. He raised over £550 pounds which was an awesome achievement and he did it dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow! The weather was beautiful and the walk was a lot of fun. Sean has still a little way to go with his recovery but h is doing great and the surgeons are very happy with his progress.
Jack Sparrow Lookalike Sean George charity walk
The MCM Memorabilia event at the NEC happened in March in which Sean and I attended as we regulary do as Xena and Jack Sparrow. Alongside the UKG it was the usual exhausting but fun event and meeting up with good friends. Here Xena is dealing with a dodgy looking character, aka the awesome Heisenburg lookalike Jamie Pagett.
Xena meets Breaking Bad!
Easter holidays I went to the Childrens Festival event helping the children with the craft activities making roman mosaics. Here is one of my creations!
Mosaic Making at Dover Castle
Beginning of April saw Sean and I heading back to Hull for some more filming on the drama Humber City, I have another few days coming up in June so will keep you posted.
St Georges Day saw a few events kick off, first was at Wentworth Golf Club for a large charity event for British Airways. For this we were dressed as Medieval Knights in full armour greeting people as they entered the building.
None Shall Pass!
This month saw a couple of Stormtrooper events, one at a store opening in the Midlands and one at a Star Wars themed Wedding in Dorset. Both events went down realy well and the Wedding was a lovely relaxed event in beautiful surroundings. Here little baby Benji wearing his stormtrooper baby grow and chilling with the stormtroopers!
Start them when they’re young!
Early May Bank Holiday there was an event, ‘Roman Rampage’ at the English Heritage site Old Sarum in Wiltshire. I was there making an appearance as Queen Boudica and riding around on a chariot! It was a great event even though the weather wasn’t the best it was still a realy enjoyable event to do. I performed in the main arena talking about the story of Boudica and we used the chariot in the display as well. Even though the chariot I was on wasn’t an Iron age one it still looked amazing with the 2 beautiful black horses Flo and Nimbus. It really gave the audience a feel to what it must have been like to come face to face with on the battlefield. Photo to follow!
I just had 2 days on a new big action adventure movie as a supporting artist. Was a really fun couple of days, the film isn’t due out until this time next year but I think you will get a glimpse of me next to the star! Can’t say much else about it but will mention it again nearer the time as a reminder.
Well thats it for now, keeping busy with 2 new costumes for myself which I have a deadline for. Got a fun event next week which I will report on next time. Thank you for your interest
As always this time of year things go a little quiet work wise, though I have been making a few things and have a few things in the pipeline.
First off since the last posting Sean and I have done 3 stormtrooper jobs, one which was filming for an internal film for a tobacco company so unfortunately it won’t be seen publicly. Only thing to show is the photo above of Sean and I just after filming. It was funny filming in a newsagent in London with unsuspecting customers walking in!
TheTales of Albion film project is almost complete, I was asked back to record some voice over work and a bit of dubbing. Was great to see some of the edited footage on screen as its a couple of years ago when they were filmed. Fingers crossed it will be finished and available in a couple of months. Will update with further details.
February half term saw Sean and I at Jersey to the Maritime Museum for their Pirate Week! Was a lot of fun and one of the highlights for me was to visit the Jersey Celtic Coin Hoarde to see how the conservation was going. The hoarde of coins, gold Torcs and jewellery is so big it is taking several years for them to seperate and record every item! Each time I have seen it is slowly being getting smaller and smaller but there is still a long way to go.
Filming, I did a day on a new Hollywood film with the special effects dept. They have not started filming yet but they were testing out the sand storm effects machine, there was about a dozen of us running around being blown about with big wind machines and different types of fake sand. It was purely for the effects dept to see what worked best so they footage will not be seen anywhere but it was fun to do. Not something you get to do every day!
Still plugging away at the auditions, fingers crossed a cracking role will come my way! Memorabilia in a few weeks in Birmingham so will have a report about that too so please keep checking up on the page.
Big apologies for the lack of posts, just been so busy and limited access to the internet plays a big part in the slow posting of new reports. I will endevour to make sure I post up more regulary.
Ok so lots to catch up on. Since I last posted the Chariot film was the latest thing, hopefully will know soon when that will be complete and available to watch. Other filming projects include doing some sound recording for a new computer game called Total War. They needed the sound of horses hooves at different speeds and on different surfaces. We went along to help out a friend of ours to ride a couple of their horses, it ended up being really fun and a nice day out.
Then we flew off to California for a busmans holiday, part was a break but we were also attending a friends wedding and Sean was taking part in the Tournament of the Phoenix. The first part of the holiday started off at our friends ranch in Yucca Valley where we were horse riding in the desert. Always great to stay with our dear friends and enjoy their hospitality. See photo at the top of the posting.
We then moved on to LA to attend a friends wedding which was lovely and we had a few days in LA to ourselves. Then we went onto San Diego to the Tournament of the Phoenix. It was lovely to go back to see old friends and make new ones which we will cherish. Sean did brilliantly at the tournament which also refects on his awesome team he had helping him, thanks to Kathy his groom and Dave his Valet.
No sooner had we got back home it was Halloween. On the evening of the 31st we had an appearance at the Octopvs Bar in Crawley for their Walking Dead evening. Looking beautiful as ever!
Then another filming session for the TV pilot Humber City, this one involved a fight scene with my co star the lovely John Carrigan. Amazing martial artist who choreographed the fight scene and help me train up for it too. Looking at the raw footage it looks like its going to be really good. More filming planned in a couple of months, wil keep you posted.
Then another filming project came along, a documentary about the secret lives of the Tudors, filmed at the lovely Hever Castle. I played a Tudor lady in waiting for one episode and then I was suddenly asked to play Queen Elizabeth for a seen which required lots of make up and a bald cap to recreate Elizabeth when she was not looking so good when she had no make up on and no wig. I looked pretty rough I have to say, the makeup girls did a great job. Will keep you posted when it airs on Yesterday Channel. Here is a photo of me looking a lot nicer when I was the lady in waiting.
Then the usual journey to the NEC in Birmingham for the Memorabila show. This time was spent with the lovely Paris Jefferson from the TV show Xena. She was so sweet and was fun to hang around.
Then there was the big build up of a certain film called The Force Awakens. This brought several appearances as Stormtroopers through December which was great and also gave me the opportunity to showcase my new Force Awakens Stormtrooper costume. Looks great but takes a bit getting used to, look forward to I’m on the right
wearing it again and also leads me into making a Captain Phasma Costume which I will post updates on here.
Well thats it for now, thanks so much for your valued support and interest. Happy New Year and hears to an adventure filled 2016!
Again apologies to the lateness of my posting, the summer months have been busy to say the least, but hear is the update of whats been happening.
Starting from the last post, I recorded an audition video for a role playing the owner of an illegal drinking establishment in the Prohibition Era. From that I got a call back and did a live reading with the director and by the end of the session it came across that I got the role. Sure enough I got the email saying the role was mine which was awesome! Filming was set in a weeks time.
Before that filming, I was heading upto Hull to do the first main block of filming on the TV Drama Humber City. I was there for 4 days for exterior and office scenes which went well on the whole. There is more filming planned for early November, to keep upto date with whats happening with the project, check out their Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/Humber.City?fref=ts
One of my favourite gigs was the Bug Safari, taking families around the lovely grounds and looking for insects in different enviroments. A lovely fun relaxed event and playing dress up as Victorian Explorers!
Then it was time to film the Prohibition video, the set was dressed my hair and make-up was done (which was amazing) and it took a few hours to have it all done. The video will be an introduction to a corporate training game in which high end executives will take part. There is a gaming box on the table in front of each team, after they have watched my video which welcomes them to my establishment I also explain what the day entails. It should look great when its done, as of yet I still haven’t seen it but I am hoping to get a copy of it soon. In the meantime check out my awesome make-up!
I have had a couple of commissions for heradlic flags this season, which I am proud to say were at 2 top end Tudor Jousts at Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London. The Hampton Court ones were 8 silk flags, 4 English crosses and 4 Spanish ones. The Tower of London Jousts I was commissioned to paint 2 Anne Boleyn flags which looked amazing. I hope to do more as I really enjoy making these.
The only ride I got with the jousting team this season was at Bosworth Battle re-enactment, bit disappointing I only got to ride the once but here is a nice image from the weekend.Taken by ARW Photography
Earlier this year I did some filming on a new Channel 4 series called Time Crashers. A new show which saw 10 celebrites being sent back in time to different periods doing every days jobs. I was involved with the second one which was set in the Medieval period around a Joust. I played the Lady of the Joust which was great fun but it doesn’t show on the screen how cold it was that day, it was freezing! I got some good screentime, if you missed it you can watch it and the other episodes here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkyc5deYero
Finally I auditioned for a feature film called Chariot set around the character Ben Hur. I was blessed to win the role of a character called Braga, a Celtic Tribal Warrior. She is part of a mercenary gang hired by the Romans to capture Ben Hur. Filming was up in Snowdonia, North Wales. The scenery as you can imagine was beautiful! I really enjoyed my time filming on this and hopefully it will be finished for January. I will keep you posted on this as this film will have worldwide distribution so you should have a great chance to see it somewhere! The image at the top of this post was taken on my last day on set.
Well thats it for now but lots more stuff coming up in the next couple of months so keep popping back for updates
Oops missed out last months report! Ok carrying on from the last one, Sean and I travelled to Bristol to attend a wedding as Stormtroopers at the Bristol space centre (@Bristol). The couple were fans of Star Wars but unknown to them the brides father had arranged for 2 Stromtroopers and Darth Vader to make a surprise appearance. A nice event at a great venue and a lovely couple.
Next gig saw us heading up the the Space Centre in Leicester for a corporate as Stormtroopers again which went well. We then headed down to Gloucester for the Tall Ships Festival to appear as Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow and Barbossa for the May Bank Holiday weekend. The first day we sailed in on one of the Tall Ships which was brillaint with all the crowds lining the river banks. Then we were swordfighting for the rest of the weekend which was well received and was loads of fun. Great time was also had hanging around with the lovely Victorian characters
Then straight on from Gloucester, down to Southampton for the Ferry to the Isle of White to Osborne House as Victorian Carneys for 3 days. Good weather and crowds with a beautiful setting. If your
wondering what the paper character is its called a flat Stella, my friend from Canada asked if I could show pictures of me with her at different places I visit. Its part of her sons school project to learn about new places in different countries.
Then we attended a charity event in Redhill for Autisum Allstars to help raise money and awareness. Many costumed characters were there to help attract the public to the stand. Sean and I decided to dust off our Judges costumes and wear them for a change. Happy to report the charity raise over £1200 on the day!
Then the annual Open Weekend for the ABC Animal Sanctuary was upon us and as usual Sean and I were there as Jack Sparrow and Xena. Was lovely to see some friends who came along to supprt the event. Always a pleasure to support this lovely charity.
Been working on Tim Burtons latest film for a few days which was great, always good to get a run of days on a film, as ever can’t really say much on public sites but will post more when able.
I was recently over in Poland with Sean at the Tournament of King John III. Sean with team mate Steve won the Team joust last year and was invited back this years as guests and marshals for this years tournament. So glad I went as it was a great trip and the hospitality was second to none. The polish guys could not have been more lovely with looking after us and entertaining us. Got drunk on Polish moonshine! we went on a brilliant ride in the countryside and went on a flat out gallop several times, visited an awesome castle and I ordered my new jousting helmet with an armourer! Awesome times, oh yeah and I got to fire a cannon! lol.
Very much looking forward to going back next year!
Just did an awesome action show for a private birthday party with a Mission Impossible theme. First time with a new team and it went down brilliantly with the client, so hopefully more gigs like that to come in he future!
Well thats it for the mo, thanks for popping by and I will report again soon
On a sad note my lovely Xena horse lookalike Lori had to be put to sleep due to complications recently. She will be sorely missed by myself and her owner Marianne. A lovely sweet natured horse and the best Argo lookalike. Will miss doing photo shoots with her
On a happier note the Anne Bonny film had its premiere at the Prince Charles Theatre in Leicester Square. Really happy how this short film turned out, check it out here and use the password ‘snugbar‘ to view it. https://vimeo.com/123885163
A meeting will be arranged very soon to start discussing the feature length version of the film. Will keep you posted how it goes.
Popped along to the new Birmingham Comic Festival at Edgbaston Cricket ground. It was a great event seeing it was the first one and look forward to next years event. Sean and I went as Dark Phoenix and Wolverine which was a nice change from Xena and Jack.
Taken by Dan W
May Bank Holiday saw me at Tatton Park as part of the Tudors on Tour event. I was on the leathercraft stall showing folks how to stamp leather which was a have a go activity. Was very pleased when the three days were up as the constant hammering noise level was pretty intense when everyone was working at the same time!
Inbetween all these activities I have been busy working on costume commissions and hair barrettes. Here is the Game of Thrones costume I did, which I am quite pleased how it turned out!
Right events coming up! Will be heading off to Bristol this coming weekend as a Stormtrooper for a wedding !
Oops, I missed out last months update, apologies for that I have been locked away working on costume/prop commissions with deadlines inbetween everything else thats going on!
Well whats been going on since January, lots! First off Sean and I went to the Sky Atlantic Game of Thrones Exhibition which was great fun and also useful for costume detail as one of my commissions is a GOT costume. Of course the trip would not have been complete without a photo on the Iron Throne!
Was lucky to visit the massive Jersey Celtic Coin hoard again to see how the progress was going on seperating the thousands of coins and gold torcs, truly amazing!
No sooner getting back from Jersey I was off to Devon to play the main character in the short film about Anne Bonny. Four days down filming in the lovely village of Clovelly with a great cast and crew. We were blessed with the weather and I really enjoyed my time working on this project. It will be premiered in April and off to do the rounds in some film festivals. The film makers will then look into making a full feature length film in which the short will be used as a promotional tool to gain funding and interest. I will post more on this as and when news comes in.
Working on two big costume commissions filled up several weeks and I will post photos of them when I have completed the third. As always other smaller jobs come in to hinder the other projects but hopefully now will get some more work done on my Maleficent costume!
Sean and I were also lucky to have just worked on a new Channel 4 show called Time Crashers, at this stage I can’t say much more but I know its due to air around June. Will keep you posted.
We had a great time at the recent Memorabilia at the NEC in Birmingham as Xena and Jack, only managing the Sunday this time due to commitments.
Then we popped over to Leicester to visit King Richard III, we queued to see the coffin and then went to the new visitor centre which was great. It was an experience worth queuing for and something that will never happen again so glad we could be a part of it and say ‘we were there’.
And finally have just made another appearance in Colchester as Queen Boudica where I was the guest of honour to open the Roman Circus (where they held the roman chariot races). The site has been updated and made visitor friendly with brilliant reconstructions, displays, new media to show how it looked and historical finds on show. Worth a visit if your ever in Colchester as well as the castle museum where you will see yours truly staring in the museum video as Queen Boudica! A highlight of the day was making my entrance on the chariot that was used in the TV film about Boudica staring Alex Kingston. Pulled very ably by my Iceni horses from the Colchester Archaeological group!
Photo Paul Bray
Well thats it for now, keep an eye out for the new Avengers film this April, fingers crossed my scenes will be in the final cut! fingers crossed!
Thank you and I promise it won’t be so long for the next posting!
Happy New Year! Thanks for following me into 2015, lets hope this year is bigger and better and full of great things.
Ok not far into January but am very busy with costume commissions at the moment which will keep me busy for a while. I will post up photos of what I am working on when they are done, currently the items are from The Avengers (Thors Armour), Nights Watch Costume from Game of Thrones and Legolas’s Quiver from Lord of the Rings.
Some great news is I have landed the title role in a short film called Bonnys Revenge, playing the famous piratess Anne Bonny. Will be off to Devon in February to film it which I am very much looking forward to it. Please check out their FB page and website, they have an crowd funding page too, please show some love and donate, even if its just a pound, every penny counts. Here are the links:
I will also be off to Jersey in February just before filming to the Maritime Museum to do a week of pirating with Jack Sparrow for the school holidays! Starting off very piratical this year
Well thats it for now, looking forward to what this year has to offer, bring it on I say!